Lab Pictures

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I am standing by one of our older 8-channel systems (now upgraded to a 12-channel EEG system). We have an additional 16-channel system, a new 32-channel system, and a simple 4-channel system. The computers driving each system are 2 GHz systems running Windows XP. These machines drive 4 others, one per subject room for stimulus presentation. There are 2 others for analysis and development.
As I am programming a data collection run (lower left) in the experimenter room, graduate student Matthew Soskins--who just put a 32-channel electrocap on himself, quite a feat--is plugging himself into the system (upper left) in the adjoining subject room. He then sits down and serves as subject for his thesis study (right). We were actually shaking down this new 32-channel EEG system for its first use in an experiment. Matt graduated with Ph.D. in June, 2002.

I am standing by one of our now retired 8-channel systems. We now(2020) have an additional 16-channel system, a 32-channel system, and three 19-channel systems. The computers driving each system are i7 2 GHz systems running Windows 10 enterprise. These machines drive 4 similar others, one per subject room for stimulus presentation. There are 2 others for analysis and development.

Last Update: Wednesday, Nov 12, 2005 at 6:51 PM